Herbal Medicine

Celery, Cleanse w/o Cayenne, Depression

Lower HBP with celery…new twist on the master cleanse… Did You Know? Celery In a test where animals were given 4 stalks of celery their blood pressure was reduced by an average of 13 per cent and their cholesterol by 7 per cent. Why? Celery contains active compounds called pthalides, which help relax the muscles around the arteries, allowing those vessels to dilate. That’s about 4 ounces of celery daily. www.whfoods.com. Master Cleanse without the Cayenne Many of us who are involved in healthier lifestyles know and use different internal cleanses on a yearly basis. And one of the more

Nettles, How to Make Tinctures

Nettles is good for increasing iron in blood and relieving allergies. Nettles are an amazing herb that is rich in history, as well as health benefits. It’s probably one of my favorite herbs. The Roman soldiers liked it too; they actually brought nettles to the awareness of the Brits. The soldiers would slap their bodies with it, thus stinging to bring heat during the cold months of battle and marching. Nettles are considered to be high in iron, more than spinach, and are used in blood building. I always prefer an herbal form of iron more than the rust version

Why Love, Parasite Cleansing

Love saves a house from fire…kept the pests out Why Love? What is it about the month of February as being the love month? It’s really a combination of a few events that have dubbed February as the month of love, but please don’t limit one’s self to just February. February 14th in England and France is considered to be the mating season for birds this coupled with the Lupercalia pagan ritual for fertility, and then, of course, St. Valentine’s day is probably some of the reasons that February is the month of love. There are many stories about Valentine.