
Cleaning Spike Proteins Out

We’ve had a couple of bumpy years, so what will 2022 bring? First, we are entering into the year of the WATER TIGER. What can we expect? It might be a bit challenging and will require courage, but the rewards will be great. This amazing energy will push us past the madness of Covid and shutdowns. Changes are happening and it can be super good if our mindset is positive. Be sure to spend time meditating and saying prayers to give us stamina to succeed. Some are sharing their concerns about the damage of SPIKE PROTEINS and what to do.

Letting Go & Letting God Glutathione, the Master Antioxidant

Doing what we can to live long and prosper… Letting Go and Letting God Glutathione, The Master Antioxidant May I be filled with loving kindness; May I be well; May I be peaceful and at ease; May I be happy. – Buddha Dearest Friends: My last newsletter was towards the end November. Christmas, New Years, and the inauguration of our new president, President Obama have come and gone. I felt the need to wait until after the swearing in of our new president. This really is a time of change. Learning to become more comfortable taking responsibility for how we

Letting Go & Letting God Glutathione, the Master Antioxidant

Doing what we can to live long and prosper… Letting Go and Letting God Glutathione, The Master Antioxidant May I be filled with loving kindness; May I be well; May I be peaceful and at ease; May I be happy. – Buddha Dearest Friends: My last newsletter was towards the end November. Christmas, New Years, and the inauguration of our new president, President Obama have come and gone. I felt the need to wait until after the swearing in of our new president. This really is a time of change. Learning to become more comfortable taking responsibility for how we