House Clearing


“It seems like everything was successfully cleared from my friend’s house. I have been living here for two weeks and nothing has happened or felt uncomfortable. The rest of L’s family has been inquiring about your services so I have referred a few to you.”                                                                   Jamie W., Austin,

For a myriad of reasons a soul can get stuck when crossing over. Maybe it’s a fear of what’s really on the other side or maybe they were just too sick or weak to know anything other than being here. Either way, they stopped believing that they are a blessed divine child of the most high and perfect in every way, so I assist them in their consciousness to know they can move on to something better than stuck…..

Yes, there really are ghosts, and, yes, they can influence our thoughts and actions unless we know differently…

This section of HealthyHelp4U is from my blog site for help­ing peo­ple to learn ways to clear their homes, offices, vehi­cles, and per­sons of ghosts, enti­ties, and spir­its. Through­out the process of learn­ing, you will have the oppor­tu­nity to be edu­cated on the dif­fer­ent types of enti­ties, entity clear­ings, how to do a house bless­ing, and how angels help us each and every day.

Negative thoughts: Influ­ence from spir­its effects us at every level. They look for a weak link to attach. Our neg­a­tive, sad, depressed, aggres­sive thoughts are a sure sign of entity/spirit/ghost influ­ence. And the more we feed the neg­a­tive thought form, the more strength they gain.

We are bright beings of light when free of neg­a­tive and recal­ci­trance ener­gies from oth­ers. It’s easy to see anger get passed from one per­son to another, and that’s hap­pens too in the realm of the unseen.

A very sim­ple tool we can use is say­ing “Who Does this Belong to?” Don’t wait for an answer because you should never inter­act with earth­bound spir­its. The neg­a­tive thoughts will begin to fade as we con­tinue to use “Who Does this Belong to?”

Some days I never use it, but when I first learned of this tool, I used it all the time and repeat­edly. The pleas­ant sur­prise is over time the con­sist chat­ter in my brain ceased. Yea!

What box to check? No one ever grows up expect­ing to be good at entity clear­ing, and same was true with me. When career day hap­pened at school the boxes to check was teacher, doc­tor, nurse, engi­neer, etc., but not ghost buster.…

House Bless­ings and Ghosts

Most peo­ple think of spring clean­ing as dust­ing the hard to reach places, scrub­bing floors, get­ting rid of unwanted cloth­ing, hav­ing garage sales, and plant­ing flow­ers. All of those things are good to do, and it is also good to clear out those things we don’t see too.

Just last week I was doing a house clear­ing in the Texas hill coun­try that proved to be quite inter­est­ing. Oh, yes, there were a hand­ful of enti­ties. Before I begin a clear­ing I always take a few moments to walk through the home or office. You can feel shifts in energy through­out the atmosphere.

In this home, the most intense energy was when we went upstairs where the guest rooms were. As we began to climb the stairs, we only reached mid-point when the energy became heavy. My eyes focused on what appeared to be a funeral dress for a small child that had been placed in a frame. This dress some­how held the key to her ghost situation.

After assess­ing the sit­u­a­tion I began the entity removal, the house was clear down­stairs, but not upstairs. The spirit was attached into the lit­tle girl’s dress and she was get­ting very angry.

Climb­ing the stairs to the top floor we found it dif­fi­cult to breathe, so I ges­tured that we walk into one of the bed­rooms that was away from the dress and sit down to think on the mat­ter. The woman told me that there was a hid­den pas­sage­way behind a book­case that lead to the attic and she often heard voices com­ing from the attic, and the hid­den door would pop open even though it was latched.

She con­tin­ued her story: the dress was not a funeral dress, but her Easter dress. Her mother had made it for her. She went on to tell me a lit­tle bit about her mother includ­ing the anger her mother always had because she lost of her mother, her step-mother and her grand­mother all within just a few short years of one another while she too was just a child.

That dress held all her mother’s pain and anger of miss­ing her mother fig­ures. Her mother’s angels and the mother’s she had lost were encour­ag­ing her to come to the light, but she was stuck some­how in the dress. I think she just didn’t believe there was any­one to help her regard­less of their attempts.

After a spe­cial clear­ing and bless­ing for her mother and call­ing in extra angels, we were able to breathe with ease, and the dress that appeared black was now navy blue. And as I placed my hand on the glass over the dress I could feel the shift in her mother and the dress. The mol­e­c­u­lar struc­ture of the dress was chang­ing; it was becom­ing lighter and hap­pier. Her mother’s energy had never felt so much joy. She just didn’t know a lov­ing feel­ing ever existed before now.

So as you are doing your spring-cleaning know that some of the clean­ing may be in what we don’t see! Bless­ings be.….….

Entity Clear­ing CD — Yes, I have a CD ($22) that will clean up neg­a­tive energy while also clear­ing spir­its too.

Time to laugh: In light of the cur­rent eco­nomic and political times a lit­tle lev­ity is needed. And thank good­ness spirit offered this bit of humor. Let me share with you about the sheep dog ghost!

I was going to be head­ing to Ft. Worth for a class on the his­tory and proper use of spirit cir­cles. The night before the event, I was awoken in the night to my dog, Hula bark­ing viciously. The sound informed me that there was an intruder. Hula ran into the bed­room and jump on the bed fac­ing the crea­ture that was approach­ing us.

I knew if this uniden­ti­fi­able being got any closer, Hula would attack. My fiancée was yelling what is it? I didn’t know but it was scar­ing the crap out of me too. “It looks like a giant sheep­dog, and it’s com­ing towards us.”

Turn on the light, turn on the light, I hollered back. Once he turned the light on next to the bed I could more clearly the intruder. It was Rusty, my other dog – an Aus­tralian cat­tle dog. Some­how in the mid­dle of the night, the fit­ted sheet that I had put over the couch for pro­tec­tion popped off and com­pletely wrapped around him, from his head to his tail and even his paws where inside the sheet. The sheet was light blue and in the night looked gray­ish, white.

Laugh­ing we helped Rusty out of his predica­ment. Hula was so relieved that her buddy Rusty had finally shown up. As the adren­a­line was set­tling, we laughed our­selves, once again, to sleep to cap­ture just a few more hours rest.


Pro­tec­tion Prayers


Tube of Light!


Beloved Mighty I AM Pres­ence! Enfold me now in Thy Mighty Magic, Elec­tronic Pil­lar of Ascended Mas­ter Light Sub­stance! Make it so Pow­er­ful that no human cre­ation can pass through. Within this Mighty tube of Light, blaze Thy Vio­let Trans­mut­ing Flame in, through and around my four lower bod­ies and con­sume every­thing less than Thy Perfection.


In its place, charge my world and all I con­tact with the Ascended Mas­ter Con­scious­ness and with the Sub­stance and Con­scious­ness of each one of the Ascended Mas­ters’ Liv­ing Pres­ence and Activ­ity. See that this Light keeps me invis­i­ble, invin­ci­ble, and invul­ner­a­ble to every­thing but Thy Almighty Pres­ence and infi­nitely sen­si­tive to Thee and Thy Divine Per­fec­tion. (Say prayer 3-times.)


Archangel Michael Call for Pro­tec­tion!


Mighty I AM Pres­ence!  Your Author­ity is in Action in my world!


Mighty I AM Pres­ence and Beloved Archangel Michael!


You and your Legions of Angels stand within my world right now! Release the Blue Light­ning of Ten Thou­sand Suns right now! Sweep into all astral and psy­chic oppo­si­tion and human con­di­tions in my world and anni­hi­late them right now!


Mighty I AM Pres­ence! Beloved Jesus, Beloved Archangel Michael and Beloved Archeia Faith:  Take com­mand of me and of all appear­ances of imper­fec­tion and unre­al­ity in my world. Beloved Archangel Michael: Blaze! Blaze! Blaze! Your Blue Light­ning in, through, and around all oppo­si­tion to the Vic­to­ri­ous Achieve­ment of each and every call I make today and of the inner pur­poses of this Decree Service.




Both of these prayers of pro­tec­tion is the Tem­ple of the Pres­ence Decree Book, “I AM Ado­ra­tions, Affir­ma­tions, Fiats, and Ryth­mic Decrees”