Spirituality and Inner Wisdom

Stimulus Plan for Me?

What to when we take others’ false beliefs… Stimulus Plan for Me? In this issue: Email Change Is there a Stimulus Plan for Me? Are You In? Dear Friends: First let me start by saying my email has changed to bethhelp@icloud.com. My earthlink account has been turned off. Even though I’ve sent out 3 emails to this change, some of you did not get the new email. I’ll continue to list this change for the next 6 months to ensure that everyone has had the chance to make the shift to bethhelp@icloud.com. Stimulus Plan for Me? YES Over the last

Divine Love Through Me…..

Activating love and gratitude… Divine Love Through Me……… In this issue: DLTMIGTT Wellness Expo Monthly Meditation Night Dear Friends: Are you getting tired of all the news about the state of the economy? I know that I am since we are reminded every moment of every day on what to do to get through the rough times. I don’t want you to just “get through the rough times,” I’d like for you to stop and take a deep breath, and then another breath and another, while learning how to sail through any day while wrapped in a rainbow and a

Life Internal: The Tiniest Angel

Every cell is blessed with an angel, the divine within… Life Internal Dearest Friends: Many of you saw my ad for “everything must go garage sale.” And some of you have sent emails of concern. Thank you for your concern. I’m not moving, Life is really great, and I’m getting married in June. With twice of everything, we decided to sale a lot of stuff. Daily Prayer This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is

Choosing, Holy Harmony

Music that heals… Choose to Choose is a statement that a mentor of mine uses, and his name is Bob Stevens. When I hear the phrase, choose to choose, my heart and mind says yes. These three little words are loaded with energy. And they also remind me of a poem/prayer that I wish to share. This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is very important because I am exchanging a day of my life

Think Happy, Blue Dolphin

Think happy…how??? laugh attack… In life we all desire to know that we are loved, appreciated and safe. The interesting part of this equation is we must provide that loving, appreciating safe place for ourselves, even if think we don’t have the power. Life is a mixed bag of adventures; we get to decide what rides to get on, how to ride them, as well as what we’ll learn from each turn along the path. Mostly when we are young, our decisions are reactionary. Somewhere down the road (hopefully sooner than later) we come to a realization that what we’ve

Let It Go

The gift of goodbye… Ultimate Secret From the Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale, pg. 173-174 The ultimate secret to attracting whatever you want is to want it without needing it. When you are detached from the outcome, you disconnect from everything that could sabotage your success. The Attractor Factor kicks into overdrive when you state your intention, and are happy whether you achieve it or not……struggling to achieve something causes the opposite forces within yourself to kick into play. But when you come from an inner place of serenity, and you go with the flow toward your wishes, you have

Now to Live, Grapefruit

Breathe now and now and now…Burn fat… Choosing NOW to LIVE There is no better time to talk about living now than at the start of a new year. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll move beyond talking about it, to living it. 2007 is a year that for planet Earth is about bringing closure to all that doesn’t work, so that we can begin anew with the most important core values at the start of 2008. One of the challenges that I see for many people including myself in the past (remember the past can be just